الجمعة، 29 مارس 2013

بالصور: أغرب أحمر شفاه على الإطلاق للسويدية، ساندرا هولمبوم

وصف الكثيرون السويدية، ساندرا هولمبوم بالموهوبة الخاصة جدًا، بعد أن قامت بوضع مجموعة من الصور لشفتيها وقد رسمت عليهما أشكالاً مذهلة، وذلك على مدونتها الخاصة على شبكة الإنترنت، فقد لاقت موهبتها الرائعة قبولاً عالميًا، حيث تستقبل مدونتها حاليًا زائرين من جميع أنحاء العالم بحسب أم بي سي.
ومن بين الأشكال التي لفتت الأنظار رسمتها لعين الإنسان كاملة مع الرموش والبؤبؤ على شفتيها.

وتقول ساندرا أن فكرة استخدام الشفاه كقطعة قماش والرسم عليها قد واتتها حينما كانت تشعر بالملل.

واعترفت ساندرا أنها تعلمت رسم هذه الرسومات من الفيديوهات المنشورة على “يوتيوب” لكنها طبقتها على شفتيها بدلاً من الورق، حيث اعتمدت على التجربة والخطأ.

مشروبات تقضي على دهون البطن

تعاني سيدات كثيراتٌ من تراكم الدهون في منطقة البطن والخصر لأسباب عدة. لذا سنقدم بعض المشروبات الطبيعية التي تساعدك على حل هذه المشكلة:
* مشروب الشاي الأخضر الصيني والنعناع الطازج والزنجبيل وقشر الرمان الطريقة: يغلى مقدار ملعقتين من كل نوع في كمية مناسبة من الماء ثم يصفى ويترك ليبرد ثم تشرب منه كمية بعد كل وجبة.
* مشروب الشاي الأخضر والمريمية والبابونج والقرفة الطريقة: تنقع كمية متساوية من المكونات في كمية من الماء ثم تترك حتى الغليان ثم تصفى وتترك لتبرد ويشرب منها يومياً صباحاً ومساءً.
* مشروب بذور الشمر الطريقة: أغلي ملعقة متوسطة من بذور الشمر في وعاء ثم صفّي السائل واتركيه ليبرد وأشربي منه مرتين يومياً. وهو مفيد جداً للتخلص من انتفاج البطن وتقليص حجمه.
* مشروب الشاي الأخضر والكمون والبابونج الطريقة: ضعي ملعقة صغيرة من كل نوع في الماء ثم ضعيها على النار حتى الغليان ثم صفّيها واشربي كوباً يومياً. وأخيراً أن تناول الشاي الأسود والليمون من دون سكر يفيد في حرق الدهون.

للرُمان فوائده الكثيرة ونتائج تضاهي الفياغرا

أثبتت أبحاث حديثة أن الرمان مصدر غني بمضادات الأكسدة والتي تقوم بدور مهم في وقاية الجسم من الأمراض المزمنة كأمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية وتصلب الشرايين. أثبتت أبحاث حديثة أن الرمان مصدر غني بمضادات الأكسدة والتي تقوم بدور مهم في الأمراض التي قد تسبب ظهور أمراض تقدم العمر وتساعد بالتالي على نشاطهن ومرونتهن، كما ينصح الباحثون السيدات بتناوله عند الوصول إلى سن اليأس لحمايتهن من أمراض القلب
والشرايين وهشاشة العظام وسرطان الثدي. وذلك لما له من قدرة على تدمير الخلايا السرطانية بطريقة "الانتحار الذاتي" بينما لا يحدث تلفاً في الخلايا الأخرى السليمة.

أما الرجال الذين لديهم مشاكل جنسية فعليهم أن يواظبوا على شرب عصير الرمان لمدة شهر على الأقل لكي يجدوا نتائج رائعة تضاهي حبوب الفياغرا حسبما أعلنت دراسة نشرت مؤخراً في جامعة كاليفورنيا. وتقول الدراسة "إن عصير الرمان " غني بمضادات الأكسدة التي تزيد من كمية الدم في الأعضاء الجنسية. 

Samsung Galaxy S4 pre-orders start April 16 for $250

If you've been waiting eagerly to buy Samsung's Galaxy S4, you'll have to wait at least another month.

The new smartphone will be available for pre-order on April 16 for AT&T (T, Fortune 500) customers, but there's still no word when the phone will actually hit shelves.

Surprisingly, you'll have to pay $250 for the Galaxy S4 with a new two-year contract. That's about 25% more expensive than most high-end carrier-subsidized smartphones, which typically sell for $200. The Galaxy S III and Apple's (AAPL, Fortune 500) iPhone 5 were both initially priced at $200.

It's not unheard of for smartphones to sell for more than $200 at their cheapest configuration, but the only notable phone -- if you don't count the Galaxy Note II -- to break that threshold in the past year was the Motorola Droid Razr Maxx, whose cost was mostly attributable to its battery.

Other phones to sell for more in the past include the HTC Thunderbolt and the Samsung Epic 4G. The Epic 4G was one of Samsung's more successful phones in 2010, but sold less than two million units. The Thunderbolt sold well initially due to the fact that it was one of the first LTE devices, but quickly fell into obscurity.

Of course, none of those devices had the pedigree of the Galaxy S4. It will be interesting to see how much the added cost will affect sales, and how quickly AT&T will cut prices if it is disappointed with the consumer response.

T-Mobile on Tuesday announced its plans to start selling Samsung's flagship device on May 1, so it's likely AT&T will do so as well in the same time frame. Samsung said the Galaxy S4 will also be available on Verizon (VZ, Fortune 500) and Sprint's (S, Fortune 500) networks, but neither has said when they will debut the smartphone.

The highly anticipated Galaxy S4 sports a five-inch screen, a 13-megapixel camera and a giant battery. Some of its most talked-about features include eye control, smart audio settings and an instant translation tool.

But for now, you'll have to keep waiting.

Source CNN Money

Crew takes first fast-track flight to International Space Station

In six hours, a person might walk 18 or so miles. By car, it could be 350-plus miles. A commercial airplane might get as far as 3,400 miles.

A spaceship? In that much time, you could get from Earth to the International Space Station.

That's what happened with a Soyuz TMA-08M spacecraft, which launched from Kazakhstan at 4:43 p.m. ET Thursday, or 2:43 a.m. Friday local time, with three soon-to-be space station crew members on board. NASA mission control declared "contact and capture confirmed" at 10:28 p.m. ET four minutes earlier than planned indicating the spacecraft had successfully docked.

This six-hour jaunt was exponentially faster than the normal two-day adventure that astronauts and cosmonauts typically take to get to the ISS. That's because, while the live-in orbiter is a mere 250 miles from Earth, it's always moving so it's not a simple matter of going from Point A to Point B.

That's why it has traditionally taken so long to get there, with the spacecraft going round the Earth every 90 or so minutes, which works out to about 16 total before docking.

But this go around, the Soyuz only orbited four times before hooking up with the space station.

"We're trying to cut that amount of time that they had to be in those close quarters," NASA spokesman Kelly Humphries said, noting the spacecraft has a basic bathroom but little living space. "... They may be sharper now, if they'd have to take over the docking."

The NASA spokesman explained that equipment and computer software upgrades, among other factors, helped to make Thursday's historically fast flight possible. And it's possible space officials might decide that the longer, old-fashioned way -- allowing the crew to get its space legs over two days, however cramped they might be -- is preferable, depending on how this mission goes, Humphries said.

This pioneering, fast-track crew was made up Pavel Vinogradov and Aleksandr Misurkin from Russia's space agency, as well as NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy.

With their voyage complete and once the space station's hatches open for them, scheduled for soon after midnight they'll have plenty of time to get comfy: They are scheduled to remain on the orbiter for about six months before heading home.

Source CNN.com

Smartphone users check Facebook 14 times a day

Think you use your phone to look at Facebook a lot? Unless you're doing it at least 14 times a day, you're actually below average.

That's just one of the surprising revelations in a research report by IDC released Wednesday. The study tapped 7,446 iPhone and Android users in the U.S. between 18 and 44 representative of the 50% of the population that uses smartphones and asked them questions about their phone usage across one week in March.

Depending on your perspective, many of the results are either depressing or confirm what you knew all along. For example, it seems that 79% of smartphone users reach for their devices within 15 minutes of waking up. A clear majority 62% don't even wait 15 minutes, and grab their phones immediately. (Among 18- to 24-year-olds, the numbers rise to 89% and 74%.)

Given that the survey was sponsored by Facebook, most of the questions focus on the social network. Which is, it seems, only the third most popular app on your smartphone, after email and the browser. Still, 70% of smartphone users are frequent Facebook visitors, with more than half of them checking it every day.

Peak Facebook time is during the evening, just before bed. But any time's good: on average, we visit the Facebook app or the site 13.8 times during the day, for two minutes and 22 seconds each time. Our average total daily mobile time on the site and remember, this is just via our smartphones is half an hour.

That's roughly a fifth of all the time we spend communicating; it's only slightly less time than we spend texting. On weekends, we check Facebook more than we text.

Any place seems to be good to check Facebook, too. Some 46% of us check it when we're shopping or running errands; 48% use it at the gym. Even preparing a meal gives 47% of us no respite from the social network. (Well, what else are you going to do while you're waiting for the microwave to ping?)

Perhaps the most unpardonable sin: 50% of smartphone users admit to checking Facebook while at a movie. We hope they mean only during the ads.

So what are we spending all that time doing? Well, for about half of that daily half-hour on the social network, we're simply browsing our News Feed. The rest of the time is divided fairly evenly between Facebook messaging and posting updates. Half of Facebook users play games via the service on their phone a few times a day.

Does the smartphone survey ring true to you? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Source mashable

Survey: Adults text more than teens while driving

If you're holding onto the stereotype about foolhardy teens fiddling with their smartphones while driving, you might want to look at yourself first.

In a new survey by AT&T, almost half of adults admitted to texting while driving, compared to a slightly smaller number of teens who fessed up to the same thing. About 49% of adults say they've sent a text while behind the wheel, according to a new survey conducted for the mobile company, compared with 43% of teens in a survey from last April.

And here's the thing they all know it's wrong.

A full 98% of respondents said they're aware that texting and driving isn't safe.

The report is part of AT&T's "It Can Wait" campaign, designed to discourage texting while driving. Started in 2009, the campaign was ramped up last year with a series of somber TV ads featuring people who were injured, or the families of drivers who were killed, in car accidents in which a driver was using a phone.

"Through the It Can Wait movement, AT&T is collaborating with employers, nonprofits, law enforcement, educators, legislators, professional associations and government agencies nationwide," said Cathy Coughlin, AT&T's global marketing officer, in a written statement. "I'm confident, together we can save lives by encouraging millions more to make the personal commitment never to text and drive."

Despite the broad awareness about the dangers of texting behind the wheel, the survey suggests that the problem is getting worse. Six out of every 10 respondents said that, three years ago, they never texted while driving. And 40% of the people who admit to texting in the survey say it's a habit, not just an occasional slip-up.

Drivers who are texting are 23 times more likely to get into an accident than other drivers, according to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute.

The report comes as National Distracted Driving Month is set to begin on Monday. AT&T is urging employers to start programs encouraging workers to take no-texting pledges.

The recent survey was of 1,011 adult drivers in the U.S. who own cell phones. The teen survey was conducted last April with 1,200 drivers between 15 and 19 years old.

Source CNN.com